Pass-World Language TEST

PLT Training

Training version of the Pass-World Language Test in English language for candidates preparing to intergrate Bachelor One degree program in a Pass-
World school.

Rules are as follow:

  1. You do not need any specific material for this test (no phone, calculator, dictionary).
  2. Take 1 minute to read the guidelines.
  3. PLT has only 1 part : 50 mn.
  4. You will be notified about 5 mn before the end.
  5. One good answer scores +3 points, one wrong answer scores -1 point, so be careful about guessing answers.
  6. There is only ONE good answer for each question.
  7. Your answers are personal and this is a training test, there is no point in getting additional help.

PLT for B1

Training version of the Pass-World Language Test in English language for candidates wishing to enter a1st year of Bachelor degree in a Pass-World school. Rules are as follow:

PLT for M1

Training version of the Pass-World Language Test in English language for candidates wishing to enter a1st year of Master degree in a Pass-World school. Rules are as follow:

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